
Hack for LA is the Los Angeles brigade of Code for America, a network of civic-minded technologists who contribute their skills toward using the web as a platform for local government and community service.

To learn more, watch the Ted Talk by Code for America founder, Jennifer Pahlka, on maintaining a better government through code.

Our Events

meetup logo Meetup Events


If you are new to the community, join us for Onboarding Night! We offer Guided Onboarding on alternating Mondays and Tuesdays on our Getting Started page.


We host workshops on a range of topics, from development best practices to project management methodologies. Please check back for the current workshop schedule.

Happy Hour

Bars and cafes are shut down, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy each other’s company! Grab your beverage of choice and socialize with fellow hackers following some organizational announcements.

Online Project Team Meetings

Please review the listing of project team meeting times to find a project that fits your schedule. You are welcome to attend a project team meeting after you have completed Onboarding.








                Our Locations

                In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, Hack for LA has suspended its in-person events below. The organization remains fully active, and all events are now being conducted remotely using Zoom at the days/times listed above.

                See our Locations

                South LA


                Our South LA meetup was created by a community member on our leadership team.

                The mission of the South LA hacknight is to offer free technical education opportunities and facilitate user centered design and software development projects to improve civic life in the local area with local partners and stakeholders.

                This meetup is just getting started, there are no current projects.